Monday, May 28, 2007

This is the very first post to test thing new blog out. It's purpose is to promote and discuss all things involving Theistic Satanism - a current religious trend heavily influenced by Diane Vera. I do hope that this blog can integrate with other related blogs and we can finally establish a bit of a community that can dispell the massive, and I mean massive movement that tries to paint Satanism in the worst light possible.

I will introduce myself better as time goes on, but I, like I am sure many other Satanists do not look at practitioners of other religions as being 'below' us. I for one, believe that all people and animals are equal and it is not neccessarily up to us to judge them without very good reason! This is quite contrary to the sight we see when we inform someone that we are in fact a Satanist.


"You're a Satan worshipper?!"

(and then I love this part)


What do you mean, WHY?

The purpose of the blog is to show anyone who is interested, that there are other forces out there other than the ones people acknowledge - and they too, are a part of existence.

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