Friday, June 15, 2007

Regarding the Rules for the Theistic Satanism Blog Network

Apologies to the other Theistics out there that I have no participated much in the Yahoo! groups as of lately.

It is unfortunate that so many rules need to be applied to this blog network, but I suppose when one choosesto discuss something as OMG EVIL as Theistic Satanism, then rules DO need to be applied. We all know thatthis subject attracts some of the most phychotic and intelligent people on the planet and so guidelines must beplaced to prevent the whole bloody thing from collapsing on itself. I am sure that if (hopefully!) this network gets off the ground, that the rules can be updated to changing issues and events although I am very sure that is not going to be a problem.

I saw that a 'free for all' tag was suggested. It seems that a 'free for all' tag would simply inviteflamewars needlessley from people with nothing better to do.
I may have missed the post, but is there still going to be any Yahoo groups active in the event the blognetwork launch is successful?

Sunday, June 10, 2007

The development of the new Theistic Satanism Blog Network is definately an interesting new approach for us Satanists to interact with each other - all while being a bit easier on the eyes! I do hope that this experiment is a successful one.

On another note - does anyone have any good advice on how to customize these Blogspot pages a little more? Perhaps some good html templates or something?

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Assimilation into the new Theistic Satanism Blog Network

I just wanted to mention that this blog, like most of the blogs entering into the new network are likely very tentative works in progress. The look, format and likely even te topic base of my blog, at least, may change to better suit the aims of the network.